That being said, although it's now been about two years since I first heard about it, I've probably been aware of Mega Man producer Keiji Inafune's spiritual successor, Mighty No. 9, for longer than I've been aware of where it came from. And it makes perfect sense that I should - considering all the adults in the industry loved Mega Man and wanted more to be made, they were quick to jump on the hype train for this new, cutting edge Mega Man-esque game. And why shouldn't they be? The main character of the game, Mighty No. 9 (a.k.a. Beck) is pretty reminiscent of the original blue bomber.
He moves like Mega Man, he shoots like Mega Man, he jumps like Mega Man. However, Inafune and his team have made developments to give Beck distinct differences from his predecessor. For one, Beck has an absorption ability where he can zoom through enemies and absorb them for temporary power upgrades such as increased strength or speed. This looks like a promising Mega Man for the new generation of gamers.
This project was borne of the popular Kickstarter method, where crowdfunding powered the development of the game. After meeting their goals only after 2 days active, and with more cash flowing in, Inafune and his team have added even more features to the game, such as more varied and expansive stages to play through, special play modes, localization and even development for various platforms. As of now, the game will be launching on every system that can play games - the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4,Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS, and even on Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. The handheld console versions are being worked on by external studios Abstraction Games and Engine Software, while Inafune's own company, Comcept (partnered with Inti Crates and Deep Silver) are working on the main console and computer versions.
Now, as I've said before, this game has held my attention for a while. The gameplay looks tight, from fantastic stages to play through to the shooting mechanics in some proper HD display to the new dash-absorb ability that Beck has. My one upset with this game is the fact that there is voice acting, even in the English version. Call me crazy, but it just seems that making a 2D side-scrolling platformer voice-acted for its characters is a bit of a waste of time. The perspective and medium of gameplay doesn't really allow for as an enticing narrative as something like a third-person action game might. Stories in side-scrollers can be fine, don't get me wrong - Mega Man X did it pretty well - but it just seems like the voice acting is unnecessary, especially considering that I don't go to side-scrollers for a story in the first place. I go for the tight gameplay and the thrill of finishing a stage in record time, or with the most enemies defeated.
With all that said, I'm still super excited for what Mighty No. 9 has to offer me in terms of that gameplay. It looks like both an incredibly fun side-scroller and a warm love letter to the Mega Man series that so many people knew and loved. And hey, there's no telling what will happen if this game is successful as everyone hopes it is. Maybe, just maybe, Beck is the one that brings Mega Man back from the depths of non-development. It's probably unlikely, but one can wonder...
By the way, for those of you wondering, the game launches in February 2016. Only a few more months away!
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