Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are indeed only three months away until Star Wars officially returns to the silver screen!

Now, imagine a kid with no real standards of film, who also happens to be a Star Wars fan, and is at the prime age at which new Star Wars movies were debuting. How excited did you think I was?
Very. Very excited.
The prequels were even more bombastic with the adventure. The special effects were uncanny in their mastery, the worlds looked dynamic and extraordinary, and the scope was incredible. You could clearly tell that this was all that famous creator George Lucas had wanted to do back in the '80's. And with all these developments and with all this time to grow and expand, what more could fans ask for?

Now, having grown up with these movies, I feel as though I have a greater appreciation for them. I can look past things that older fans can't, such as midi-chlorians and Jar-Jar Binks. These movies were with me as I grew up, and even though they aren't as great for me as they were when I was younger, I can still find enjoyment with them. However, I can also attest that they don't hurt as much for me because I didn't have to wait for almost 15 years before I had to see a new Star Wars movie after 1985 with Return of the Jedi.
Nevertheless, others felt a bit more burned when it came to the prequels. With that in mind, Walt Disney studios will no doubt turn out a fantastic film. After seeing all the characters showcased, after hearing all of the news that's come out of the production, I can tell you that I'm ready to go see Star Wars: The Force Awakens today. This movie has me in such a childlike excitement I haven't had since Marvel's The Avengers debuted. If anyone else shares my sentiments, spread the word! Flood your social media feeds with Star Wars news! Tell your friends the names of the new characters! Go out and buy some of the new toy lightsabers! Star Wars is back, baby! And you can bet your ass it's gonna blow it out of the park!
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