Wednesday, July 15, 2015

DC's Batman V Superman Comic-Con Showing

When Marvel is at home to stay, DC comes out to play.

Wow. Just wow. Those two thoughts where the first things that came to my mind after I saw all the things that had been offered up to the fans at Warner Bros. DC Comic's sections of their San Diego Comic-Con panels. Fans were treated to it all, both in the movies and in the TV. And now that the dust has settled and thoughts have been allowed to be collected, I'm ready to share my own; there you are, a nerd's opinion of nerdy stuff. This is free of charge, too, I hope everyone understands the deal they're getting here.

Oh, by the way, on the off-chance you didn't see the new trailer yet, click on this link to check it out before you read this - trust me, it will make more sense if you do: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Comic-Con Trailer

Anyways, the first thing to come out to the public in the high-definition version it was intended was the newest trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. The trailer clocks in at about 3 minutes worth of footage, AND IT"S ALL SPECTACULAR.
For those of you who don't know, Batman V Superman takes place after the horrific events of Man of Steel, where Superman had an enormous fight with fellow Kryptonian, General Zod, in the city of Mertropolis. The fight causes both super-powered beings to crash into several buildings and cause massive damage to the city. Thousands of citizens died in the crossfire, including several members of Bruce Wayne's Metropolis branch of Wayne Enterprises. Oh, and for those of you who don't know, Bruce Wayne is Batman. So, yeah, Batman's not too happy about that.

The trailer shows us that the U.S. government has officially placed responsibility for the incident on Superman's shoulders, and have called him to a meeting to talk with him. Now, while we don't see the conversation that took place (you gotta pay for the ticket to see that, folks), I'm glad that the movie addresses what happened in Man of Steel. Far too often, I think movies will shove serious, shattering events under the carpet because everyone's supposed to understand what the hero was trying to do in the big picture. Here, however, the world is holding super-powered beings accountable for their actions, which I think shows a lot of maturity on the film's part.

Also, it's kind of cool that the leader of this whole Superman-accountability committee is the woman who voiced Elastigirl in The Incredibles. Superheroes collide in more ways than one, it seems in this movie.

So, besides the fact that we get to see characters like Perry White (Lawrence Fishburne), Lois Lane (Amy Adams), and Martha Kent (Diane Lane) return from Man of Steel, we get a new Batman in the form of Ben Affleck, and a new Alfred in the form of Jeremy Irons. Now, while I wasn't thrilled to hear Affleck was cast originally, I warmed up to the idea after seeing him in films like Argo and Gone Girl; this isn't the same Affleck we saw back in Daredevil, people. And, by the way, the man has clearly dedicated himself to this role. I mean, he's bulked up and he's even deepened his voice a bit; we're gonna get a perfectly fine Batman. With Jeremy Irons, I had no doubts. You can tell from the trailer he's trying to show Bruce the right way, that Superman isn't a threat, but clearly, it doesn't work out for him. However, although Alfred might not get as much time as he would in a full-fledged Batman movie, you can bet we're gonna get some damn good monologues out of him.
However, the fun doesn't stop there. We were also treated to bits and pieces of a new Lex Luthor, played by Jesse Eisenberg, and our first footage of Wonder Woman, played by Gal Gadot. When it comes to Luthor, Jesse Eisenberg was never the guy who I envisioned would be playing him. He's a good actor, don't get me wrong, but not for this role. I always felt the role of Lex Luthor needed to be played with more gravitas in the presence, not in the intellect or the dialogue. Lex Luthor is a smart guy, but he also had a certain gravitas to his presence; Jesse can definitely do the smart, but I'm not yet sure about the intimidating. As for Gal Gadot, there's not much to say - sometimes she's dressed like a civilian, other times she's in her battle gear. There's no clear indicator that Gadot is gonna act the part well, but in the meantime she's definitely looking the part.

 Now, while we got a plethora of new features in this trailer, much more is still shrouded in rumors and much more is to come. We're still expecting a visit from Aquaman, played by Jason Momoa, as well as some version as the former Teen Titan Cyborg, played by Ray Fisher. However, there are also more unanswered questions we got from this trailer: Why did Batman retire originally? To which
Robin did the costume on display belong to? Why does Wayne Manor look so unkept? Where did Lex find that huge chunk of Kryptonite? That, along with the new things we saw from Suicide Squad, and the news we heard from The CW's Arrow, The Flash, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow give us a lot to talk about. Frankly, it's a bit too much to discuss in one post, so look around for my blog in the coming days to see the rest of my DC SDCC thoughts - plus the ones on 20th Century Fox's own showings. With all that being said, however, DC took the cake this year - and, with all honesty, it's about time.

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