Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jurassic World Review (No Spoilers)

After 22 years since the original film, audiences are introduced to a fully-functioning dinosaur theme park. Just like Disneyland, this park is home to extravagant exhibits and discovery centers where visitors can discover everything they want to know about some of the most fascinating previously-extinct creatures that the planet has ever seen. However, the film presents audiences with the very true notion that 'new' doesn't stay 'cool' forever, and this leaves the park runners with no other choice but to begin expanding their creativity in order to keep the park financially viable. However, as I'm sure you've seen with the trailers, this final attempt to increase revenue may end up costing the park runners more than a few dollars.

Now, I decided to especially hold no spoilers in this review because Jurassic World is a fantastic movie, filled with all the fun and excitement a summer blockbuster should have. There are Easter-eggs the die-hard fans will enjoy, but the film is a genuine thrill ride for first-timers at the park. This movie isn't asking you to prep on philosophy or history, just to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. That presentation alone is such a pleasure to see.

The acting is also done really well in here. Chris Pratt nails it as raptor-trainer Owen, and it's comforting following him throughout this adventure. I felt as though he'd definitely be the guy to go to when things went south at the park, which is pretty much what every essential character did. But in all seriousness, it's going to be really hard for Pratt to find a villainous or antagonistic role, because he's just so darn likable! His co-star, Bryce Dallas Howard, is also actually quite a pleasant on-screen presence. After Spider-Man 3, I wasn't sure how she would do here, but she plays the role of the serious businesswoman quite believably. Also, I have to give her credit - she ran around the jungle and away from predatory dinosaurs in high heels the entire time. That's quite accomplishment. The kids in the movie are pretty good, too. Albeit their backstory leaves a bit to be desired, but their developing relationship throughout the movie made me think about how I interact with my own siblings, and reminded me that people like me and my brother need to look out for each other.

Now, the next big question is with the special effects. Being born after Jurassic Park first came out, I can't really appreciate how spectacular they were for the time. However, older fans can, which left the studio with the challenge of at least making these special effects believable. Boy, did they deliver. As Chris Pratt interacts with the raptors or the humans get in close proximity to the ultimate predator, the Indominus Rex, you could feel the breath of these dinosaurs, you see the textures of their skin, and you really feel as though you're walking right next to them. Superb job done, really.

All in all, the movie is kind of predictable in terms of its story progression beats, and some of the more supporting characters are actually a bit one-dimensional; be that as it may, that's no reason any one should miss out on this extravagant thrill ride. This movie gives you a time to wind down for two hours with classic popcorn fun, and it brings back a lot of the fun the original Jurassic Park fans. Rest easy, everyone - the park is open, and everyone is invited.

Rating: 9/10

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